Monday, May 27, 2013

Setting up Blogger to Show on your own Subdomain

I've had some trouble and ran a few different combinations in order to get blogger to post my blog at my own domain, namely, instead of my blogger address.  I also had some trouble getting the blog to work both with and without a "www" being typed first.  After trying a few combinations and waiting, I think that I've finally got everything working correctly and here are my settings.  For this example, we'll try to redirect the Blogger blog to ""

1.  Go into your blog's Blogger setting and under Blog address, click advanced settings.  There will be an instructions link afterward and click that.  (Alternatively, you can also type in your domain, press OK, and wait for the error message; it will have the same information.)  The information provided in the instructions will be new CNAME settings for your hosting service.  Log into to you hosting service and enter three new CNAME records: "blog" as the name and "" as the data, "" as the name and "" as the data, and a third which google will provide in the instructions but is unique for every blog.

You do not need to create the new subdomain within your hosting control panel.

2.  Within your Blogger settings, enter the address that you want with www.  In our example, enter "".  Press save.  The check mark below your entered address which offers to do a redirect will likely be automatically offering a redirect that you do not want at this time, such as redirect "" to "".  Do not check it at this time.

3.  After a few hours, or maybe as much as a day, log into your Blogger settings again and the redirect option probably will be more appealing, such as redirect to

After this, your Blogger blog should appear at the subdomain specified, either with or without "www."